

PAARC has a permanent membership of Artist-governed organizations and represents them regionally, provincially and nationally. PAARC members work together on initiatives, to commission research and develop public positions, develop resources and raise awareness on current issues.

COVID-19 Resources

For Individuals

Artists Legal Outreach –  A group of volunteer lawyers and law students committed to working with artists and arts organizations.

BC Alliance for Arts and Culture – The BC Alliance’s own extensive resource guide.

CARFAC – Recommendations to artists, cultural workers and organisations experiencing ecomonic hardship due to COVID-19.

COVID-19 & Freelance Artists and Writers – Resources for Canadian artists, writers and media workers during COVID-19 shutdowns.

BC Emergency Funding Support for Students

COVID-19 Provincial Support and Information

Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) – If you have stopped working because of COVID-19, CERB may provide you with temporary income support.

Canada – Covid-19 Economic Response Plan

Canada – Emergency Response for Individuals/Families

Vancouver Tenants Union – COVID-19 BC Rent Crisis Resources.

Funder Updates

Canada Council for the Arts

BC Arts Council

BC Community Gaming Grants

City of Vancouver

Civic Awareness of Artist-Run Practices

Swarm 1999–2017

SWARM was a 2-night event that marks the launch of Vancouver’s artist-run centre (ARC) programming season with exhibition openings, performances, screenings and special events. Artist-run Centres (ARCs) are collectives and non-profit organizations, run by artists, supporting new and innovative practices in the arts. With a rich history that spans over forty years, ARCs have had a significant impact on the cultural ecology in Canada and around the world.